Thursday, June 18, 2020

What is the way to get rid of depression from life ???

What is the way to get rid of depression from life ???

There is only one solution, sir ....
To have the same attitude as me ....
"Welcome if you come,
If it goes, the crowd will come .... "
The rest of the wolves will get ten a day to seduce us by creating an illusion of emotion for the fulfillment of their personal selfishness .... and if you become emotional by getting caught in the trap created by him, he will prove his selfishness in a second and use and throw and run away ... And in the grief of losing your trust, there is also a person who was not only trustworthy but also had to take something from you or use it to further his own interests, a person who has deceived you and fled as your guide. There is no point in being and if you do, leave that stupidity and laugh at yourself for a while ....
That's you ....
The day you start smiling at yourself, understand that your depression will keep running away from you by understanding its time ...
You can't laugh at yourself when you think of yourself as "I am something" .. You are also something for your relatives, your parents, siblings or wife and children ....
But when we try to overreact with our status quo by knocking others down or hitting someone wrong and putting them in a ridiculous position after being stumbled upon in that stupidity when your unwanted ego is hurt, the same situation can plunge you into depression. At that time, if you leave such something and accept the reality, if you start laughing at yourself, then understand that you will start enjoying life .....
Hey man, just understand how much grace God has on us that He has kept us alive in this world till the age of 18, 20, 30 or 45 years ... otherwise there will be many who are out of the womb in the hospital or in the bed at home. As soon as he leaves, he leaves this world ....
So we must at least appreciate the grace that nature has showered on us ...
And even though depression still doesn't go away, leave all your heart to someone close to you ...
And if there is no such person, then call me ... "Abhi hum jinda hai ..."
 Jai Hind...

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