Saturday, May 28, 2022

Medicine should not be limited to medicine bottles and tablets. Exercise is medicine. Morning walk is medicine. Fasting is medicine. Eating with family is medicine. Laughter is medicine. Sleep deprivation is a drug. Get to get together with friends is the medicine. Always being happy and cheerful is also medicine. Positivity is medicine. Kindness and compassion are medicine. Gratitude and love are medicine. Regular meditation is medicine. Silence on some occasion and Sometimes going into seclusion is also medicine. *And… * The most important good friend with whom we can share all the things of life * * is a drug store ..: !!! *

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आप को लगेगा अजीब किन्तु यह सत्य है

 आप को लगेगा अजीब  किन्तु यह सत्य है पिछले 68 सालों में पीपल, बरगद और नीम के पेडों को सरकारी स्तर पर लगाना बन्द किया गया है। पीपल कार्बन डाई...