Thursday, December 19, 2019

Relax on five occasions showing the other side of the reality of consumption ... *😫🥺😳🤔🙄😯🤥

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                * 1 *
* I had a severe headache, so I went to my familiar chemist's shop to get a headache pill. *
* There was a servant in the shop, he gave me a strip of pillows, then I asked him, "Where has the lord gone?" He said that since this morning sir has had a headache, he has gone to the coffee shop in the opposite shop! *
* I could see that medicine leash in my hand! *

                * 2 *
* Mother's blood pressure and sugar had gone up, so early in the morning she took her mother to her famous old lady doctor. *
* If you look in the garden outside the clinic, the lady doctor was doing yoga and exercise! I had to wait about 45 minutes! *
* Then, the doctor came to the clinic with his lemonade and started examining his mother. He told my mother that you have to increase your medication now. Prescribe 5 or 6 medications in a prescription, prescribe regular medication. Then I asked him curiously, how long have you been doing yoga? So he said he has been doing yoga for the last 15 years because of my blood pressure and many other problems! *
* I was looking at my mother's prescription in my hand, in which she prescribed many medicines to reduce BP and sugar! *

                * 3 *
* Went to beauty parlor with wife. My wife had to get a hair treatment because her hair was so brushed. *
* The young woman at the reception told her many packages and benefits. These packages ranged from 1200 to 3000 and after a few concessions he gave my wife a package of Rs 3000 for Rs 2400. *
* At the time of hair treatment, a strange fragrance was coming from the hair of the girl who was treating her! I asked him, "What a special scent comes from your hair! Then he said. He has mixed fenugreek and kapur in his head oil, making his hair softer and growing faster! *
* I was looking at my wife, who came in for 2400 rupees to get her hair done! *

                 * 4 *
* My wealthy cousin who owns a large dairy farm went to his farm. There were about 150 foreign cows in the wadi, whose milk was being processed by the milking machine. *
* The farm was grazing 2 country cows in a different corner! When I asked about it, they said that the foreign Jersey cow's milk that is supplied to the customers from their dairy farm is not used in their home, but for the family's use both these domestic cow's milk, yogurt and ghee are used! *
* I was thinking about the people who consider branded milk the best. *

                   * 5 *
 * We dine at a restaurant that is famous for specialty dishes and refined food ... *
 * At the departure the manager asked very politely, "Sir, what was the taste of the meal? We use pure ghee, peanut oil and organic spices. We try to eat like home." *
* If I greatly appreciated the meal, he took me to his cabin to give me a vising card. Placing three cans of steel tiffin on the counter outside, one waiter told the other, "Put Sunil Sir's tiffin inside his cabin right now, and it'll be fine." I took the tiffin and asked the waiter, "Sunil sir can't eat here ?!" He replied - "Sunil Saheb never eats outside, always eats at home!" *
 * I was seeing a bill of Rs 1670 in my hand! *

* Sellers don't use most of what we sell for ourselves! *

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