Friday, November 29, 2019

Heart Attack Solution (Save Life Enjoy Life)

Extremely useful information in life

Medical Fitness ::

           High BP

120/80 - Normal

130/85 - Normal (Control)

140/90 - High

150/95 - V.High

         Low BP
120/80 - Normal

110/75 - General (Control)

100/70 - Low

90 // 65 - V.Low


Male - 13 --- 17

Female - 11 - 03

RBC Count - 4.50 - 5.50
           Pulse (heartbeat)

72 per minute (standard)

60 --- 80 p.m. (Normal)

40 - 180 p.m. (abnormal)

98.4 F (Normal)

98.2 ° F

Must Save

Heart Attack and Water "

How many people do you know that night?
Avoid drinking water before going to bed because they have to get up at night.

Heartache and water - never knew this!
The information is interesting.

Seedling was something that was not known and asked the doctor why some people have to get up frequently to urinate at night. Heart Disease Answer - Due to gravity, water is deposited in the lower part of your body when you are standing (swelling of the legs). But when you are asleep, your feet are parallel to the kidneys, and then the kidneys expel water. It was known that you need water to flush out the body's toxic waste, but this information was new.

The right time to drink water, the most important information a cardiovascular Dr gives. Drunk at the right time
Water enhances its effectiveness in the body ------

(1) After waking up in the morning, drinking 1 glass of water activates the internal organs.

(2) Half an hour before meals, drinking 1 glass of water activates digestion.

(3) Before bathing 1 glass of water keeps blood pressure low.

(4) Drinking 1 glass of water before going to bed at night reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

(5) Drinking water at night does not stifle the muscles of the legs (in simple terms, the vein climbs).

Published in the issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology of 3, which stated that .....

(1) Heart attack usually extends from 1am to noon. If it is nighttime, it is also possible that something unusual happened to that person.

(2) If you are taking any medication such as aspirin, it should be taken at night because of the effect of aspirin.
Living for hours means its sharpest in the morning
Quantities have an effect.

(3) Aspirin can stay in your medicine box for many years and when it gets old it smells like vinegar (vinegar).

(4) Another thing that will be helpful to everyone - the Bayer Company makes crystal-like aspirin that dissolves on the tongue. It works faster than a normal tablet. Keep the aspirin with you forever.

(5) Common symptoms of heart attack left hand and
In addition to chest pain, there are some symptoms that require information, such as severe pain in the beard,
Feeling nauseous, sweating profusely. But these symptoms are rarely seen.

(6) Note - There may be occasional chest pains in a heart attack.
Most (about 5%) people have a heart attack when sleeping
If they came they would not have space. But if you have a bulging in the chest
If you suffer from pain, you wake up from a deep sleep.

(7) If you have a heart attack - immediate ૨ aspirin
Put it in the mouth and swallow it with a little water.
Then call 7, your nearest neighbor or relative
If they live, call and say "heart attack" and so on
Let's say you took 1 aspirin. Then sit in the sofa or chair in front of the main door and wait for them to arrive - don't fall asleep.

A cardiologist said that if this information was sent to 1
If people share, 3 lives can be saved. I have this information
Sharing What do you do now?

Reaching this message to as many people as possible can save someone's life. Life is an invaluable gift of nature.
This post is made after a lot of research, ..

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