Sunday, June 9, 2019

"A few helpful rules in professional life

1. If you call anyone, you will not be able to make phone calls more than twice, because if the person does not receive the phone, it means that they are busy in no important work.

2. To repay any money or item items borrowed from someone before or before it is requested.
This thing shows your personality and your dealings.

3. When someone calls you on a lunch / dinner, it is not possible to order an expensive dish if it is possible to say to the person, "Today I want to eat your choice, give me your order".

4. Occasionally asked questions such as "oh !!! you have not married yet?" Or "why have not you taken a house home yet?"

5. If you open the door for a person running behind you then the man or the woman. In this way public places do not make you a small man by doing such behavior with a person.

6. If you are going with a friend in a taxi, he gives rent at this time, then you will be given the second time.

7. Respect different political ideologies.

8. Do not interrupt it when someone is speaking

9. If you are making fun of someone and do not enjoy it, then stop joking about it.

10. Always be thankful when someone has helped.

11. Always publicly

12. Do not comment on someone's weight any day. Just say "you're feeling good". If they have to lose weight or have to increase and you have knowledge, then they will ask and only talk about weight.

13. When someone shows a photo on their mobile phone, do not do "Left or Right Swipe" by viewing a photo someday. You do not know what a photo will be after this. To avoid that.

14. If your co-worker / friend tells you that they are an appointment to a doctor, then you should never ask for what? Just say, "OK hope that it will be good". Only know if they want to tell about their illness because their illness may be private.

15. M.D. Give as much as possible. You do not have any good impedance, because you behave badly with someone, but people will note the good impression of how you talk to them politely.

16. If someone is talking to you, looking at your phone instead of looking at it is a bad habit.

17. Do not advise until asked.

18. Do not ask about someone's age or salary when they meet someone at many times.

19. Do not let the business of the enemy take over your business until someone tries to mislead your business.

20. When talking to any person, if you wear goggles, then delete it and talk. This thing shows that you respect them. And you know that the effect of your conversation is better than the contact of the eye.

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